The Undergraduate Program of Islamic Education (UPIEd) has formulated its expected learning outcomes (ELOs) covering specific attitudes, knowledge, and skills that the graduates are expected to obtain upon graduation.

ELO 1Graduates are able to behave well by showing individual and social piety as an embodiment of the qualities of Muslim intellectuals (ulil albab) and Islam as rohmatan lil'alamin (as grace for the universe)
ELO 2Graduates are able to show the loving attitude to their nation and homeland as the embodiment of the values contained in Pancasila
ELO 3Graduates are able to read and write the Qur'an in accordance with the correct rules
ELO 4Graduates are able to apply Indonesian, Arabic and English in academic and social activities
ELO 5Graduates are able to carry out the learning process of Islamic education and/or in the scientific field of al-qur'an-hadits, aqidah-akhlak, fiqh, and Islamic history based on Information and Communication Technology
ELO 6Graduates are able to facilitate the development of potential learners
ELO 7Graduates are able to conduct research in the field of Islamic education
ELO 8Graduates are able to apply the concept of entrepreneurship in the field of Islamic education
ELO 9Graduates are able to apply management theory in the management and development of educational institutions
ELO 10Graduates are able to apply the principles and measures of integration of religion and science
ELO 11Graduates are able to apply educational theories in the development of Islamic Education
ELO 12Graduates are able to apply knowledge of religious, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and culture as perspectives in the development of Islamic education learning