History of Madrasah Empowering Center (MEC)


Undergraduate Program from Islamic Education (PAI), Department of Islamic Studies (JSI), Faculty of Islamic Studies (FIAI) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) is a place where prospective educators in the field of Islam are educated and facilitated to become professional educators. This effort requires the study program to make continuous improvement to the institution in order to be able to maintain quality and achieve its vision and mission of excellence.

Head of MEC

Burhan Nudin, S.Pd.I., M.Pd.I

MEC Description


The Madrasah Empowering Center (MEC) is a work unit in the undergraduate program of Islamic education that focuses on developing madrasas as part of the national education system, especially madrasas within the province of DIY.

  • MEC Vision

    Realizing MEC as an institution of high integrity that is committed to strengthening and developing Madrasahs in Indonesia

  • MEC Mission

    Oriented to grounding Islamic values in Indonesian society and state through Madrasah educational institutions based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution which is blessed by Allah SWT

  • MEC goals

    Synergize the nation’s potential in building quality education in Madrasahs, which in turn are able to produce graduates who have good morals and are able to act as individuals who are rahmatan lil ‘alamin.

This focus is realized by integrating the objectives of MEC into the implementation of every aspect of Catur Dharma, namely education, research, community service and Islamic da’wah for the entire academic community.

Routine Activities/Regular Work Program


The following planned programs are the formulation of the results of seminars and FGDs held by PAI FIAI UII.

  • Development of Research and Development (R&D) Teams in Madrasahs.
  • Strengthening Madrasah Academic Supervision Competence.
  • Increasing the Competence of Educators.
  • Strengthening of Accreditation-Based Madrasah Management.
  • Development of Madrasah Curriculum, Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular.