• History of El-Tarbawi Journal

    El-Tarbawi was originally the publishing unit of Scientific Journals by the Undergraduate Program of Islamic Education, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) since 2008. El-Tarbawi is the new name of the Journal of Islamic Education published by the Tarbiyah Faculty of the Islamic University of Indonesia published since 1996.

    Since early 2020, the El-Tarbawi journal has developed into an El-Tarbawi Publishing Unit which is projected to publish Journals, Books, and Proceedings.

  • Description of El-Tarbawi Journal

    El-Tarbawi is a medium for the dissemination and study of academic religious issues. El-Tarbawi is an independent journal and does not aim to side with any of the various theories and philosophies of education, religious and political understanding of the growing interest groups in society presented by the authors of the manuscript.

    As a consequence of this independence, the El-Tarbawi journal is an academic arena that is open and transcends the boundaries of religion, ethnicity, politics, sects and or the academic background of each academic community to contribute ideas and solve problems in the life of a pluralist religious community.

  • Routine Activities or Work Programs


    Scientific Journal Publishing

    El-Tarbawi Publishing publishes the journal twice a year. This journal focuses on exploration and academic studies, both theoretical and empirical on various issues and aspects of Islamic religious education. The management invites and welcomes contributions in the form of articles from scientists, scholars, professionals and researchers in the disciplines of Islamic studies and especially Islamic education to be published in journals after going through the mechanism of manuscript selection, partner review and the editing process. All articles published in this journal represent the personal views of the authors and do not represent this journal or the institutions affiliated with the authors.

    Book publishing and proceedings

    Besides publishing journals, publishing el-tarbawi also publishes books and proceedings are projected as a medium for disseminating scientific works from internal study programs. This dissemination is to encourage the realization of the idealism values of the study program in developing Islamic Religious Education as the responsibility of continuing the vision and mission of Islam rahmatan lil ‘Alamin.

Ketua Penyunting
Lukman, S.Ag., M.Pd

Wakil Ketua Penyunting
Kurniawan Dwi Saputra,Lc., M.Hum

Dewan Penyunting
Dr. Ahmad Darmadji

Dr. Hujair AH Sanaky

Dr. Muzhoffar Akhwan, MA

Dr. Junanah, MIS

Siti Afifah Adawiyah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd

Supriyanto Abdi, S.Ag., MCAA

Syaifulloh Yusuf, M.Pd.I

Dr. Fahrururozi

Dr. Zainal Abidin

Dr. Abdul Fattah