The educational curriculum is designed by the UPIE to present a process learning that is oriented towards the creation of students as life-long human learners. Integration between religion, culture, technology, and education becomes the basis of curriculum development that is oriented towards the formation of the desired graduate attributes: credible, capable, confident, communicative and being uswah (role model). For this purpose, the UPIE develops teaching-learning process based on an integrated, interactive, and multidisciplinary approach. It also enriches the learning experience of its students through microteaching, peer-teaching, and schooling practices in regional, national, and international contexts. To support the teaching-learning process and the attainment of the learning outcomes, the UPIE has established several educational, research and service institution as well developing units such as Center for Research and Development of Islamic Education, El-Tarbawi Journal, Madrasah Empowerment Center (MEC), Learning Innovation Center (LIC) and Center for Student Service and Development (CSSD).